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We are Datum

Datum Creative is an innovative collective of artists, designers, producers and creative architects developing immersive experiences for entertainment.

What We Do

Live Concert & Touring

Live Concert & Touring Productions encompasses a large array of Events. We specialize in providing bespoke, incredible Production Solutions to our clients.

Our team has vast experience in Live Concert & Touring, with many successful tours already under our belt. We have extensive experience realizing design concepts for a variety of events including Festivals, Tours, and Concerts.


Festivals are a unique and exciting avenue for design. Our goal is always to produce creative, bold and exciting projects that support brand growth whilst remaining innovative for all scales of project and budgets.

Broadcast & Film

Broadcast & Film requires a different approach than many other types of project, and that's where our years of experience is vital. Within our Datum team, we have the expertise to manage and execute projects in the Broadcast & Film field.


We pride ourselves in having extensive knowledge of working venues. As a result, we are able to create Designs & offer Production Management to a wide variety of Venues. Working with very close industry partners we deliver projects exactly as required, whilst finding the most cost-effective solutions for our clients.


Theatre is an exciting platform to allow us to excel our creative abilities. Our Theatre portfolio includes a vast array of Musicals, Plays and some slightly more unique projects.


Corporate Events are somewhat a specialty for us. Our team has provided some of the best Production Solutions to our Corporate clients over many years. We cover a wide variety of Corporate Events including Exhibitions, Conferences, Product Launches, Awards Ceremonies and much more.

Our Collabrators

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Work with us

Call : +1 347 308 6404
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Follow : @datumcreative